Wednesday 20 May 2015


Well it feels so good to be back. Haven't  written in three years. This is due to various life demands. Now that I'm  done school and the weather is nice, I feel it's appropriate.  Unfortunately  this one isn't  on a positive  note.....ah hmmm  well I guess it depends  on  how you look at it.

Ok  so I'm the type of person and have always been one who loves to help others even if it meant that I was uncomfortable. However , over the years I've  often been left to feel like people especially the older crowd wanted to receive but the moment they didn't  need anything   from me, they didn't  contact me. Now some people argue that it's  an African thing  and therefore  I should suck it up.

Let me start  by describing "blood suckers". These are people  who will never cease an opportunity  to use you for personal gain. They are shameless and will continously  keep trying to get and get until they're  satisfied. These people are master manipulators, they are very good at playing the victim the moment you don't  succumb  to their requests not to mention  the guilt trips they will play on you. Now I guess you're  asking so if they're  this horrible , why would one have them in their  life?

The thing is, these people make sure that they're  always there when your helpless and vulnerable so they can be your "hero" . This way it make it easier  to use you for their benefit. For every time  they help, they will make sure you pay for whatever  they've  done for you.

After many many years of having these toxic relationships with these people , I think they've sucked just about  enough. One thing I have done is to be independent.  This means completely  removing myself  from any situation where I have to rely on them. Secondly, pay attention  to how I'm  feeling in other words realising  that NO is also an answer.

It's  definitely  not going to be easy  but it's  time for me to be a priority in my life instead of constantly  putting  others before myself. My love for myself needs a lot of work  and  this is one part of  this journey to self love that I need to tackle.

If this sounds familiar , my advice  is to take it step by step. Remember it won't  be easy but you will have piece of mind once you do it.

On that note goodnight and don't  forget to value who you are always. xox.xox.


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