Tuesday 21 May 2013


Many of us go through life looking for what happiness really is . Some may look for it in wealth, others in partners etc. Well the first mistake is that we actually look for happiness and like that is not enough, we actually want it to have some sort of meaning. Sadly a lot of us never get to really experience it. Happiness is something so simple and yet we find it so hard to acquire, it's possible for all of us to have it as it is not restricted  to who the person is or what their social status . Happiness is A CHOICE. You have to make a decision that you are going to look at things differently(your adversities). Another thing I discovered is that I have to be the priority in my OWN life. Think about it? As you sit and cry over your self esteem, has anyone brought it you or have you received it in the mail?  Of course these things will NOT be handed to you. You have to get up and force one foot in front of the other until it becomes real. The same goes for happiness. There isn't a meaning neither can it be searched for , it is WITHIN YOU to be happy simply make the decision to be so.

Be the star in your own life - Dr Phil

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